Only to notice me

Sometimes more distance is needed for a better focus
You should have known the show is open
inside again feeling proud and broken
everything can be called in another meaning
someday I shall know on whom I am leaning
The story we have ever known
strange feelings inside our souls
we reach or we have gone
your fewer visits ends in longer calls
World is a place filled with love and hate
music is the way to express our changes
real love seems in this world to late
never stop to hold all arrangements
To look without fear into the future
the most impossible trying
just the past time is sure
The present makes us singing
Personally freedom unto the hills
nothing than everything can restless be destroyed
I still want more of these pills
just inside time we can be hurted
On and on people speaks into my ears
round and round goes the wishing those can not explain
it will really not end before a million of years
standing in the sunshine but waiting for the rain
Now the world is clear as two times two
a day and a night is not all we have to plan out
smiling is good but holding the head up too
while I am silent I am striking to be loud
You told me to find into a better dream
but they rolled us down to the acting street
I feel like a never-known sunbeam
I should work on the floating beat
My health is not good but I did not fail the grade
in the night-coming I see shrinking down my own shade
so put in the words you need to work with
but do not ask which scene you will miss
Launched pain of spirit and nature
found old wishes in reasons of weeks
thought to be a victim but truely scared to a stature
teaching is like not let stop the speaks
We did not bite and we did not make angry
we just cried about some spoiled milk
one day I will not be so unusually heavy
one day I will dress my mother In silk
Later the storm brings fine sun and mild days
but anyone and everyone are going different ways
and they said that love to them the best friend mays
the teacher speaks and I ask myself what it says
Again no words heard in my soul
they mean what we do and we do what they learn
I have no golden house with own swimming-pool
but if we see a fire we should ask what makes burn
Something tries to start on and on in happiness
the typical doubt ashines from everywhere
but I may not ask and leave my life with fastness
I feel like we are coming out of nowhere
We are dedicated to watch the stranger persons
teach but do not await the kind of mine
bigger and bigger are growing our problems
I should look at first for a consequent line
Something laughed us frightening silently and stayed inside
it seems to be the question society does
and still we are feeling young and pride
to be dead is before god the helping pass
We shot men to the moon end iron to the mars
but I want to help the poor the rich
in these days came or comes an ugly face Into the charts
the being of light is something good to a reach
The born is gone for ever and ever
some souls flies into the wide open sky
no-one is here to stop this World wide fever
still many clouds over our heads are drifting by
God is the magic word in our empty world
and we all arrive our live hopes
therefore once in my live my hair were really curled
end we all have stood in our special rows
It is not enough to be and to watch and knowing
by the way the tiger pawed end snored
I am not the reason of human laughing
standing on the market place asking myself what they thought
Give not your money to a person you hardly know
tomorrow is like soon end tomorrow tries to come without mind
for ever end ever I will move my feet and go
and a president tries to remember what he years before signed
We travel through the story and our memory
there sits a watcher upon the mountain-peak
we are all wounded from a darkly glory
and we shall be guessing what about we later speak
To leave somebody without words is a shame
and closer the friend fairer the happiness
we shall alive all together a forgotten blame
And something makes me again to think about yourselves
the sermon of the preacher sounds like ghostly voices
someday we all have to be ourselves
to get older is to hear more different noises
Sometimes it is good to do an unknown way to travel
I will bet in the eyes of god I never did a crlme
because we have a sin which makes us equal
and there was never a noon in the middle of the daytime
I saw the group of poppy clowns and drunken guests
I searched for myself and got blended
someone took from the rest the rests
I mean to wake up is to look where we last time stranded
Me is not living or enjoying or so
heartily advices are crossing the friendly room
then I get larger and perhaps our parents mean so
but I shall win the run because the states are in zoom
Mine are the clothes I am wearing
mine is the air I am breathing
and our is the time to spend with being
or our is the future we all are awaiting
A major came to me and kissed my face
he asked me to be out and to come in
real loyalty shall be my changed base
I hope this run we shall win
Today is not saved and I am missing a touch
doing at home the things which have to be done
changing around with good meanings so much
but hurting my friends not a single one
Wasted in waiting my time of living
told about people with my own brain
maybe another president is soon leaving
why we do not ask ourselves who started the pain
Do not repeat your errors and do not deny your flags
just do love any children and understand their trying
everyone of us have these kicks and backs
but why can not stop we restless the lying
At least your helpfulness and charity
so changing these days and so straight the weeks
so we have to act in a world for to divide quality
and my hope is not to belong to the freaks
In a car it was as my dark side crashed
I want to tell the world something about dying
wanting all the glass I have smashed
I did not invite the terrible art of lying
Two persons are communicating with their eyes
I am turning again against the world of blindness
do we forget illegally mind and starving spies
or is a day the devil shining in fully kindness
Why are the children always playing their old games
when did the teachers start to form the state
which is burning in unknowing flames
and how I shall find a real good mate?
My question died by the walls I made myself
the illusions still blends me in my thinking
about blindness and hate to them from ourselves
I am going on and believe that I not disturb your talking’s
Taking up the education to reach an argument
and never lose your faith in Jesus and God
or feel that we ourselves are just a fragment
nature and religion seems to be our road
Help the poor and avoid the rich who overstates
come in small but go away in doubts and tall
ask anyone who it is who regulates
other said keep on running after the ball
Round and round goes the history into the future
the universe gets smaller to a point inside my head
human are the beings but the reason is the nature
and in times of laughing I have to say that I feel sad
Set me to the stubborn or dial me to the soften
give me a word when you see my difficult of loneliness
I am using the possibilities of live rather often
and we are in the distance which wakes their wildness
You left your country for peace of mine
and something tells me you are doing all right
I need to feel your company and to stand with you in one Line
the older the world the more has died
We all feel that the past is happened and a mess
several persons get so lately the warning lights
our living is growing upon to the death
and a few men working fair in the scared nights
Privates shopping in the drugstores on my street
rules the world with fairness and tact
only collecting ideas and who I shall meet
learning is our most important fact
We shall beat out our enemies with open frankness
to travel with words thru countries is a pleasure
I wish myself you will help me with fairness
and I know I shall look for an unfighted measure
The rules gets bounded to the norm
the norms gets collected to the plan
the plans together are the system
the system is the idea in front of doing
Evening is somewhere but morning also
winter is somewhere but summer too
sunshine will come back longer than our life
(1978 / Psychiatrie Essen - Borbeck)